I read this book…

New Naturalism, by Kelly D. Norris Some books are just a joy to read- this is one such book.  Norris has an engaging writing style, the book is replete with stunning photographs of naturalized gardens and there are a plethora witty and engaging engaging quotes.  The book encourages gardeners to re-think their approach to gardens

Book review

Bringing Nature Home ​written by Doug Tallamy, Timber Press Inc This book was first published in 2007 and has become more relevant every year, going into its 13th printing in 2019. The subtitle”How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants” sums it up. Tallamy clearly explains the relationship between plants and animals (includes insects) and

Diversity in the Garden

Insects need food sources and shelter with different types of foliage, at different times of year, at different heights, etc. When you mix diverse plants together, you bring layers of color, shapes, sizes, varieties, and textures – which means a greater diversity of garden predators too. A greater diversity of predators in your garden, means