Print resources
Darke, Rick and Tallmay, Douglas W. The Living Landscape Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden. Timber Press 2014
Holm, Heather. Bees: an Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide. Pollination Press, 2017.
Holm, Heather. Pollinators of Native Plants: Attract, Observe and Identify Pollinators and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants. Pollination Press LLC, 2014.
Johnson, Lorraine. 100 Easy-to-GrowNative Plants for Canadian Gardeners. Whitecap Books, 1999
Johnson, Lorraine. The Gardener’s Manifesto. Penguin Books, 2003
Johnson, Lorraine. The New Ontario Naturalized Garden.Whitecap Books, 2001
Tallamy, Douglas W. Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants. Timber Press, 2016.
Tallamy, Douglas W. Nature’s Best Hope-a New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard. Timber Press, 2019 Williams, Paul H. Bumble Bees of North America: an Identification Guide. Princeton University Press, 2014
Helpful organizations and websites
EcoBeneficial: Useful Landscape Tips to Improve Our Environment
Annie White’s website about benefits of native species versus native cultivars for supporting pollinators
Bee City Canada— a national organization that supports communities in developing habitat for pollinators
Bumble Bee Watch— a Citizen Science initiative to record bumble bee sightings
Stratford is on the edge of the Carolinian Zone. Website has lots of info and many links
How to Create a Pollinator-friendly Garden
Invest in a Beetle Bank
North American Native Plant Society—information about growing native plants, Native Plant sales, seed exchanges, workshops
Pollination Guelph_-volunteer organization committed to restoring pollinator habitat
Enhancing Pollinator Habitat Through Research, Education and Design http://Pollinator
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation— provides information about species at risk and conservation
Wildlife Preservation Canada’s At-risk Pollination Program
Compiled by Carolyn Schmidt